CYS/TC 22: The Gateway to European and International Standardisation

The Cyprus SPE Section/AAPG/SPE Student Chapter cordially invites you to the following talk:

CYS/TC 22: The Gateway to European and International Standardisation


The oil and gas industry is an internationally operating industry with multinationals and companies operating across the world. International standards support the industry in conducting its operations efficiently and safely by establishing the state-of-the-art, increasing interoperability, and taking away barriers. ISO/TC 67 “Materials, equipment and offshore structures for the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries” is the international standards committee for developing and publishing international standards serving the petroleum industry. Regions and countries are encouraged to adopt these standards. CEN/TC 12 is the equivalent European Committee which develops the European standards for the industry, mainly by adopting the standards of ISO/TC 67.

To better support the development of quality infrastructure and to foster improved engagement from stakeholders involved into the hydrocarbons sector of Cyprus, CYS has formed CYS/TC 22 “Hydrocarbons.” The committee provides fertile ground to discuss among stakeholders their standardisation and other quality related needs as well as it allows their input and positions on the development of standards to be heard at the European and the International level.

Speaker’s bio:

Mr Pambos Kammas, MBA, BBA, is the Director of Standardisation CYS since 2006 and Head of the CYS Hydrocarbons Team. Previously, Mr Kammas was the Director of the Cyprus Certification Company between 2004-2006 and worked at the Cyprus Employers & Industrialist Federation (OEB) between 1993-2004 as Industry and Educational Programmes Officer. Pambos is an Elected Member of the European Electrotechnical Standardisation Organisation (CENELEC) and represents CYS in the governance of the European Standardisation Organisations.

Mr Michalis Zantis, BEng (Hons), is a Building Services Engineer. Mr Zantis is employed as a CYS Standards Officer since 2007, under the Mechanical Engineering Sector of CYS, following the standardisation activities of: (1) for the mechanical engineering products and (2) for the oil & gas industry. Michalis is Co-Secretary of CYS/TC 22 “Hydrocarbons” & Co-Secretary of CEN/TC 12 “Materials, equipment and offshore structures for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries.”

The talk will be delivered in English and is open to the public. Light refreshments to be served after the talk. Please save the date:

Date: Mon. 17 Feb., 2020

Venue/Time: Research & Tech Bld, University of Nicosia; RT-142, 16:30-17:30

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