Appreciating the Effects of Increased CO2 Levels on the Marine Carbon Cycle
The Marine and Carbon Lab at the University of Nicosia cordially invites you to the following event:
Appreciating the Effects of Increased CO2 Levels on the Marine Carbon Cycle
The ocean plays an important role in regulating the carbon cycle. Overall, the ocean is called a carbon “sink” because it absorbs more carbon from the atmosphere than it returns back. The carbon cycle refers to the process during which carbon atoms continually return to the earth from the atmosphere and then go back into the atmosphere. Carbon is released back into the atmosphere when organisms die, volcanoes erupt, fires blaze, fossil fuels are burned, and through a variety of other mechanisms. Burning fossil fuels in cars or power plants is another way this carbon can be released into the atmospheric reservoir quickly. Without human interference, the carbon in fossil fuels would leak slowly into the atmosphere through volcanic activity over millions of years in the slow carbon cycle. By burning coal, oil, and natural gas, humans accelerate the process.
During the Presentation, we will present the main parameters that affect the marine carbon cycle, and we will present some of the models that have devised to explain the marine carbon cycle. The main parameters that will be explained in the context of the marine carbon cycle will comprise Salinity, pH (Acidity), SST (Sea Surface Temperature), Ocean Stratification, Turbulence, Water Currents, Density, Surface Waves, CO2 levels and saturation, etc. Concluding, we will detail the link between the marine carbon cycle and climate change.
Speaker’s bio:
Mr. Marios Giorgoudis is currently reading for the PhD in Oil, Gas and Energy Engineering, at the University of Nicosia. His doctoral research focuses on the marine carbon cycle and heat trapping emissions. As part of this research, Marios examines how the ocean regulates the carbon levels and provides a vital service to the mitigation of carbon emissions. Marios holds a Civil Engineering degree from the National and Technical University of Athens (NTUA) with a degree of 7/10 and an MBA degree from the Cyprus International Institute of Management. During his professional career Marios was employed at Civil Engineering companies in Cyprus with experience in structural, road, offshore and marine works, and he currently works as Projects Officer at the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation & Digital Policy of the Republic of Cyprus.
The talk will be delivered in English and will be streamed online through WebEx.
Please save the date:
Date: Thursday, 20th May, 2021; Time: 16:30 (Cyprus Time)
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Meeting number (access code): 137 314 2090
Meeting password: sP3ZhkV5U34
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