Offshore Energy Engineering

Covering 71% of the earth’s surface, our seas impinge on all walks of life be it on leisure, fisheries, marine transportation, conventional and renewable energy and even extreme sports. Offshore energy engineering class covers a wide spectrum of topics commencing with the fundamental aspects of physical oceanography. After exploring the mechanics of water waves, we explain the details of wave currents and coastline erosion. Next, the class details the characteristics of the major types of offshore platforms such as jacket installations, jack-up rigs, compliant platforms, gravity-based structures, tension leg platforms, FPSO vessels and subsea production systems. Besides explaining offshore renewable energy systems the class looks into marine corrosion, decommissioning and marine pollution. We conclude by examining the impacts of climate change at the seas, marine life and our coastlines. Below we share some of the material taught, during Fall 2020, at the University of Nicosia:
1. Introduction to offshore engineering [3.2MB]
2. Marine hydrodynamics [5.3MB]
3. Ocean wave patterns & water currents [2.4MB]
4. Intro to offshore installations [4.4MB]
5. Fixed and floating structures [6.5MB]
6. Subsea systems [2.2MB]
7. Marine corrosion and biofouling [2MB]
8. Ocean renewable energy [1.4MB]
N.B.: Readers interested in the theory taught in class, which includes Airy’s wave theory, wave kinetics and pressure, wave energy and power, ocean currents, wave induced forces and moments as well as the numerical exercises can contact us.
Recommended textbooks:
• Faltinsen O. M. “Sea loads on Ships and Offshore Structures,” CUP, 1993, ISBN: 0521458706.
• Tande J.O., Anaya-Lara O., Uhlen K. & Merz K. “Offshore Wind Energy Technology,” 2018, John Wiley, ISBN: 9781119097785.
• Gerwick Jr B. C. “Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures,” CRC Press, 2007, ISBN: 0849330521.
• Pramod J. “Wind Energy Engineering,” McGraw Hill, 2011, ISBN: 9780071714785.
Other sources:
• MIT Ocean Engineering; OCW:
• International Maritime Organization (IMO):