Unexpected Failure of Critical Subsea Connector Bolts

The University of Nicosia & Shamoon College cordially invite you to the following event: Unexpected Failure of Critical Subsea Connector Bolts Abstract The unexpected failure of critical subsea connector bolts is keeping the industry alert because the “root cause” has yet to be fully identified. Failures of critical subsea bolts are continuing for more than a decade in spite of […]

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Η απάντηση στο εάν διεξάγει έρευνες τελικά το Oruc Reis

Μιχάλης Πολυδώρου,  15/08/2020. Συνέντευξη Δρ Χατζηστάσου στην ιστοσελίδα Reporter.com, στις 15 Αυγούστου, 2020. Από την περασμένη Τρίτη που αιφνιδιαστικά η Τουρκία εξέδωσε άλλη μια παράνομη Navtex και έστειλε το Oruc Reis σε θαλάσσια περιοχή που εμπίπτει στην ελληνική και την κυπριακή υφαλοκρηπίδα, το γεγονός, πέραν του ότι μονοπωλεί την επικαιρότητα, προκάλεσε και ένα ντόμινο αντιδράσεων και εξελίξεων στο παγκόσμιο διπλωματικό στερέωμα. […]

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What does it take to develop an offshore oil & gas field?

You are cordially invited to the final year project presentations of our undergraduate students studying for the in BSc in Oil & Gas Engineering— class of 2019. During the past several months teams of students have developed a comprehensive geological model of an offshore petroleum field assigned to them. The model comprises depositional environment details, petrophysical data from well logs, […]

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Unexpected failure of critical subsea connector bolts

The Marine & Carbon Lab cordially invites you to the following event: Unexpected failure of critical subsea connector bolts Abstract Unexpected failure of critical subsea connector bolts is keeping the oil & gas industry in “stress” because the “root cause” remains “unknown.” Failures of critical subsea bolts have been occurring for more than a decade now in spite of replacing […]

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From the Troodos Geological Complex to the Modern Deep-Sea

The University of Nicosia & Damianos Cultural Centre cordially invite you to the talk: From the Troodos Geological Complex to the Modern Deep-Sea Abstract The first part of the talk will review some of the unique geological features of the Troodos mountain including the pillow lavas, sulphides, and the ophiolite complex that render Troodos’ geology unique. Prof. Herzig will share […]

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The Quest of Natural Gas Offshore Cyprus

The University of Nicosia Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Student Chapter cordially invites you to the following event: The Quest of Natural Gas Offshore Cyprus Abstract The discovery of the Zohr natural gas field offshore Egypt, in 2015, has renewed interest in natural gas exploration offshore Cyprus. Cyprus’ 3rd licensing round, which attracted vibrant interest, has resulted in the award […]

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Raising Public Awareness about Plastic Debris at Sea

Press release appeared in Cyprus Mail, Friday 12th Oct., 2017. Capturing children’s attention and imagination are key to educating the next generation of citizens. Currently, Cyprus generates among the highest per capita municipal waste among EU countries. Plastics make-up a large proportion of this waste hence sensitizing the youth about the fate of plastics is vital to lowering waste. A […]

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Energy giants upbeat over Block 11 prospects

Article featuring Dr. Constantinos Hadjistassou, appeared in Sunday Mail on June 11, 2017. By Elias Hazou With the countdown well underway to Total’s first well, a hydrocarbons expert has dubbed the outcome as “make or break” for the gas potential of Cyprus’ offshore carbonate formations next to Egypt’s super-giant Zohr reservoir, just a stone’s throw away to the south. The […]

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Αποτυπώνοντας το Μέλλον των Υδρογονανθράκων

Το άρθρο δημοσιεύτηκε στην Σημερινή, Παρασκεύη 21, Απριλίου, 2017. Του Δρα Κωνσταντίνου Χατζηστάσου* Πολλά έχουν συμβεί τα τελευταία τρία χρόνια λόγω της παρατεταμένης πτώσης της τιμής του πετρελαίου που πλέον φαντάζει εξωπραγματικό να δούμε τις τιμές του μαύρου χρυσού να επανέρχονται στα επίπεδα των $100/βαρέλι. Μη έχοντας άλλη επιλογή η πετροβιομηχανία έχει προσαρμοστεί στις νέες πραγματικότητες με μια σειρά μέτρων […]

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