Transforming Cyprus into a Natural Gas Producing Country

The University of Nicosia SPE/AAPG Student Chapter cordially invites you to the following talk:


The Eastern Med, with more than 60 tcf of proven natural gas reserves, in on the verge of becoming a net natural gas exporter. Cyprus as the only EU member state in the region could act as the gateway for sourcing some of the gas to the EU and beyond. To do so, Cyprus will need to discover more natural gas volumes as well as to develop its gas fields of Aphrodite and Calypso. Key to this effort will be ExxonMobil-QP, ENI and Total’s exploration campaigns offshore Cyprus. Regional cooperation is also essential when it comes to monetizing common gas discoveries or building the Eastern Med pipeline.

In the talk, we will review regional exploration and production activities related to the Tamar, Zohr, Leviathan and Aphrodite gas fields. Shifting attention to Cyprus, we will examine the third and fourth licensing rounds as well as ExxonMobil-QP’s drilling campaign and future drilling activities. Considering the ultra-deepwater environment, we will outline the available technical solutions, challenges, and environmental issues for developing such hydrocarbon fields. Finally, we will explore various synergies and alliances that could help Cyprus enter the gas producing countries’ club while emphasising the associated benefits.

Speaker’s bio:

Constantinos Hadjistassou is Assistant Professor at the University of Nicosia where he heads programme in Oil and Gas Engineering. In parallel, he teaches classes pertaining to natural gas monetization, pipeline transport networks, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and reservoir engineering. As of 2016, Constantinos formed the Marine & Carbon Lab ( which conducts research related to conventional energy sources and the marine environment. As one of the recognized experts on Eastern Med natural gas, Constantinos’ insights regularly feature in the international and local media including the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, Al-Jazeera and Bloomberg. Constantinos holds a Master’s from MIT, USA, and a DPhil from the University of Oxford, UK.  

The talk will be delivered in English and is open to the public. Please save the date:

Date: Thurs., 7th Feb, 2019

Venue/Time: Newton Amphitheatre, 15:00-16:00

For more info you may contact the SPE UNic Chapter at:

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