East Med Energy Developments – Focus on Cyprus
The talk will among else present Turkey’s claims in the Cypriot Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as well as the prospects for more gas discoveries offshore the island. In view of the development of the Aphrodite gas field by the Noble Energy-Shell-Delek consortium we will analyze the pros and cons related to gas sales via pipelines and in the form of LNG. Another topic we will explore refers to the possibility of the E&P companies with interests in Cyprus to design and build an LNG plant. As Focusing attention abroad, we will review the global markets considering the current and future needs for cheaper, abundant and cleaner gas.
The second part of the talk will examine the issues at stake with Turkey’s invasion in the Cypriot EEZ and will propose measures for addressing them as well as how we move forward. We will explore the implications for Cyprus while examining the engineering and geopolitical elements to building a gas export pipeline from Cyprus to Turkey en route to the European markets.
Dr. Charles Ellinas is a senior fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center. He has over thirty-five years of experience in the oil and gas sector and is chief executive officer (CEO) of Cyprus-based energy consultancy e-CNHC. Prior to joining e-CNHC, he served as CEO for the Cypriot National Hydrocarbon Company (KRETYK). He was a director at consultancy Mott MacDonald for twenty-five years before leaving in 2012. While at Mott MacDonald, he served as the managing director of the firm’s oil, gas, and petrochemicals business worldwide. He was responsible for overall management and providing a focus for the Group’s oil, gas and petrochemicals engineering design and project management activities worldwide. This work won recognition through major awards, such as the 2006 British International Expertise Awards, for major projects, for the Cawthorne Channel Gas Gathering Project for Shell in Nigeria and the Engineering Achievement Award at the 2011 Oil & Gas Middle East Awards, for the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) project at the Qarn Alam heavy crude oil field in Oman and the Offshore Project of the Year Award at the 2012 Oil & Gas Middle East Awards for the Zakum Water Injection project.
The talk will be delivered in English and is open to the public.
Date: Thursday, 31st October, 2019
Venue/Time: University of Nicosia; Room B19, 17:00-18:00, Main Building