Welcome to the Marine & Carbon Lab, a non-profit research group, at the University of Nicosia. As the world population grows, our oceans will play an increasingly important role as a source of food (fishing and aquaculture), for the transport of goods via ships and the provision of natural resources including oil, natural gas and minerals. Protecting our seas from pollution, noise, acidification, and warming temperatures is of paramount importance. At the same time, the supply of affordable, abundant and low-carbon energy often originating offshore demands a rethink of the prevailing energy mix. Hence, safeguarding our seas while lowering the carbon footprint of the energy sector are two of the most pressing challenges humanity is called to address.
Research activities at the Marine & Carbon Lab focus on two areas: the marine environment and energy resources. We are concerned with the physical, biological, environmental and economic aspects of our oceans and the Eastern Mediterranean in particular. Meanwhile, energy related research activities deal with the technical, engineering, environmental and policy aspects of energy resources. Our overarching goal is to bridge the gap between conventional energy sources and renewable energy while identifying the most promising solutions. We explore topics ranging from plastic debris at sea to the decarbonisation of fossil fuels to the very details of pipeline flow.
Video explaining the extent of plastic pollution littering the Cypriot coastlines:
Recent Publications:
- Demetriou E., Hadjistassou C. Lowering Mortality Risks in Urban Areas by Containing Atmospheric Pollution, Environmental Research, Elsevier, 211, 113096, pp. 14, 2022; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2022.113096
- Kovalchuk N., Hadjistassou C. Adsorption and Storage Characteristics of Natural Gas in Low-Permeability Rocks. Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 104217, pp. 10, 2021; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jngse.2021.104217.
- Demetriou E., Hadjistassou C. Can China Decarbonize its Electricity Sector? Energy Policy, 148, 111917, pp. 24, 2021; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111917
- Demetriou E., Mallouppas G., Hadjistassou C. Embracing Carbon Neutral Electricity and Transportation Sectors in Cyprus, Journal of Energy, 120625, pp. 18, 2021; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2021.120625
- Kylili K., Artusi A., Hadjistassou C. A New Paradigm for Estimating the Prevalence of Plastic Litter in the Marine Environment, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 173, Part B, 113127, pp. 8, 2021; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.113127
- Teng C., Kylili K., Hadjistassou C. Deploying Deep Learning to Estimate the Abundance of Marine Debris from Video Footage, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 183, 114049, pp. 10, 2022; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114049