The Delimitation of the Cypriot EEZ
The Cyprus SPE Section/AAPG/SPE Student Chapter cordially invites you to the following talk:
The Delimitation of the Inshore & Offshore Sea Boundaries of Cyprus Based on International Law, International Conventions & Bilateral Agreements with Neighbouring Countries
Beginning, the presentation will cover the fundamental concepts, as expounded in the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), of possession, sovereignty, rights over a territory and will distinguish between sovereignty and sovereign rights. During the talk we will outline the definitions of territorial waters, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and the concept of the continental shelf in the context of continental land masses and islands. After a historical overview of UNCLOS the discussion will focus attention on the efforts undertaken by the Republic of Cyprus, during the last two decades, to draw its maritime borders considering the relationships with bordering countries and international norms. Besides highlighting the privileges that countries enjoy within their EEZ related to surface and subsurface marine resources, such as fishing stocks and oil & gas reserves, we will also emphasize certain limitations, responsibilities and environmental issues. Concluding, the talk will present the bilateral agreements that Cyprus established with adjacent States and provide some insights as how to deal with Turkey’s invasion offshore Cyprus as regards to oil & gas exploration.
Speaker’s bio:
Mr Christos Zenonos obtained degrees in the sciences in the area of Surveying and Mapping from U.K. and U.S.A. universities and specialized in Sea Surveying and Geoinformation Management. He was the deputy Director of Lands and Surveys Department and project manager of the computerisation of Land the Registry and Survey and implemented a National Geographical Information System (NGIS). Mr. Zenonos participated in several European and International Fora around the field of his expertise. For many years he was an active member of the Group of Experts on the Delimitation of Marine Boundaries for the International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO). While a civil servant, he negotiated, prepared and signed the Cyprus–Lebanon (2001) and Cyprus-Israel (2010) EEZ delimitative agreements on behalf Cyprus Government as Chief Hydrographer. Currently, Mr. Zenonos is the Managing Consultant of a private Company having retired from the Government.
The talk will be delivered in English and is open to the public. Light refreshments to be served after the talk. Please save the date:
Date: Mon. 10, Feb., 2020
Venue/Time: Research & Tech Bld, University of Nicosia; RT-142, 16:30-17:30
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