Outdoor and Indoor Urban Air Quality

The Department of Engineering & the Marine & Carbon Lab invite you to the talk:
Outdoor and Indoor Urban Air Quality

Air pollution generally refers to atmospheric compared to its normal state. Pure air usually consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon and 0.04% carbon dioxide. In this state, our ambient air would create ideal conditions for a healthy life. Air pollution is the term used to describe the release of pollutants into the air that are harmful to the environment and human health. These pollutants comprise, for example, smoke, soot, dust, and exhaust gases.
One can be exposed to pollutants in both private and public environments, be it at home, in the office, at school, or while commuting.
Clean air is vital to your health. We breathe more than 15,000 liters of air every day, 90% of which indoors. Indoor air quality is negatively affected by outside air pollution, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), in-house emission sources and pathogens. Therefore, without ventilation, we are exposed to the dangerous particles transmitted through the air. This has a negative impact on health and can lead to migraines, allergies and breathing difficulties, while our mental concentration and performance generally suffer as a result.
The risk of dying from Covid-19 increases when people inhale dirty air, but it cannot be directly measured. Now, for the first time, an international team of researchers is conducting a study to determine the proportion of Covid 19 deaths that could be attributed to air pollution from fine dust. According to this, around 15% of Covid-19 related mortality could be partly caused by long-term exposure to air pollution.
The presentation will cover a variety of topics, including what pollutants are in the air and how they can negatively affect us. Furthermore, the current WHO guidelines for indoor and outdoor air will be presented. Part of the talk will present the measurements we have conducted related to particulate matter, namely, PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 in Nicosia. Finally, we will discuss various ideas for improving indoor and outdoor air quality and its impact on human health.

Speaker’s bio:

Ms. Arsa Anjum completed her qualification as a physical technical assistant at the OSZ Lise Meitner in Berlin (Germany).
She is currently pursuing an internship at the University of Nicosia and during her stay she has studied the air quality both indoors and outdoors.

The talk to be delivered in English will held face-to-face and will be lived streamed via WebEx: www.webex.com; Link: https://bit.ly/3oR9zTk; Meeting number: 27329917167; Meeting Pass: MfiGX7SmM62. For more info please visit the Marine & Carbon Lab: www.carbonlab.eu
Venue/Date: Conf. 102, RTB, U. of Nicosia; Mon., 22nd Nov., 2021.
Time: 10:00-10:30am

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