Installation Methods Used During the Shah Deniz 2
The Cyprus SPE Section/AAPG/SPE Student Chapter cordially invites you to a talk on the:
Installation Methods Used During the Shah Deniz 2
Shah Deniz 2, situated in Azerbaijan, is the largest subsea infrastructure operated by BP worldwide. The 28bn USD project comprises the development of 26 subsea wells, 500km of subsea pipelines and flowlines and two new bridge-linked platforms. Together with the Southern Gas Corridor pipeline system, Shah Deniz 2 which started its first gas delivery in mid-2018, continues to supply Europe with significant natural gas volumes. This presentation aims at giving an overview of the SD2 field development and the steps adopted to install components at the seabed. For this case study the selected item is a foundation bottom structure, which utilizes suction cans. This was the first type of structure to ever be installed in the Caspian Sea.
Speaker’s bio:
Ms Enrajda Cakalli was formally trained in structural engineering. She has worked with Saipem UK, for 8 years, and her area of expertise lies in subsea and offshore engineering. She has over 10 years of experience in pipelines, risers and structures installations as well as diving and remotely operated vehicle (ROV) operations.
The talk to be delivered in English, will be open to the public and will be lived streamed via Zoom: https://bit.ly/3fr1W0T | Meeting ID: 781 2948 0970 | Passcode: 4typAT
Date: Tue., 1st Dec., 2020.
Time/duration: 17:00-18:00 (GMT+2).
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