Το μέγεθος της ρύπανσης από πλαστικά στις κυπριακές παραλίες

Κάπου 66,000 πλαστικά μπουκάλια, σακούλες, καλαμάκια και περιτυλίγματα μολύνουν τις παραλίες μας Η Κύπρος διαθέτει 69 παραλίες με Γαλάζια Σημαία και αυτό κάνει πιο επιτακτική την ανάγκη προστασίας της ακτογραμμής μας. Ερευνητές στο Πανεπιστήμιο Λευκωσίας ανέπτυξαν μια πρωτοποριακή μέθοδο για να εκτιμήσουν την έκταση του προβλήματος των πλαστικών στις ακτές του νησιού. Η ομάδα του εργαστηρίου Marine & Carbon Lab […]

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The Scale of Plastic Pollution Littering the Cypriot Beaches

UNIC study finds that approximately 66,000 plastic bottles, bags, straws, and food wrappings litter the shorelines of Cyprus. Endowed with 69 Blue Flag designated beaches, Cyprus needs to invest more in efforts to safeguard its coastlines. Researchers at the University of Nicosia have developed an innovative method to assess the extent of plastic pollution affecting the island’s shorelines, as part […]

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Unexpected Failure of Subsea Critical Connector Bolts

The Department of Engineering & the Marine & Carbon Lab invite you to the talk:Unexpected Failure of Subsea Critical Connector BoltsAbstract Offshore rigs, subsea equipment and, especially, subsea critical connectors are working under severe conditions. Usually, the failure of such critical connectors can prove environmentally catastrophic or could lead to the loss of human lives. This study focuses on simulating […]

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Utilizing Artificial Intelligent (AI) Tools to Discern Plastic Debris at the Marine Environment

Abstract Plastic debris in the marine environment is one of the most pressing environmental concerns of our time. Detailed knowledge of the abundance and geographical distribution of plastics across the world’s oceans can help better monitor, control and address the environmental hazards. Utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for the detection of plastic objects in the marine environment can help reveal […]

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Appreciating the Effects of Increased CO2 Levels on the Marine Carbon Cycle

The Marine and Carbon Lab at the University of Nicosia cordially invites you to the following event: Appreciating the Effects of Increased CO2 Levels on the Marine Carbon Cycle Abstract The ocean plays an important role in regulating the carbon cycle. Overall, the ocean is called a carbon “sink” because it absorbs more carbon from the atmosphere than it returns […]

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LNG as a Marine Fuel

Poseidon Med II project aims to take all steps necessary for the adoption of LNG as marine fuel in the Eastern Mediterranean, while making Greece an international marine bunkering and distribution hub for LNG in South Eastern Europe. Primary motivation stems from reducing the negative impacts of the use of heavy fuel oil and the facilitation of the implementation of […]

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Unexpected failure of critical subsea connector bolts

The Marine & Carbon Lab cordially invites you to the following event: Unexpected failure of critical subsea connector bolts Abstract Unexpected failure of critical subsea connector bolts is keeping the oil & gas industry in “stress” because the “root cause” remains “unknown.” Failures of critical subsea bolts have been occurring for more than a decade now in spite of replacing […]

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From the Troodos Geological Complex to the Modern Deep-Sea

The University of Nicosia & Damianos Cultural Centre cordially invite you to the talk: From the Troodos Geological Complex to the Modern Deep-Sea Abstract The first part of the talk will review some of the unique geological features of the Troodos mountain including the pillow lavas, sulphides, and the ophiolite complex that render Troodos’ geology unique. Prof. Herzig will share […]

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